How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy

Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 3 Parts

Maybe you’ve started a diet and then snuck chocolate on the sly. Or perhaps you’ve set a budget and then browsed for new things you didn’t need. At times, we’ve all been our own worst enemy. In this series, Andy Stanley shares three things that can help you avoid the behaviors that ultimately undermine your relationships, career, finances, and success.

Part 1: “Pay Attention!”

We all face dilemmas in which circumstances point us in one direction, but our consciences point us in a different direction. At times, we ignore the tug of our consciences and sell ourselves on a questionable decision. King David found himself in such a position, and his example can help us navigate our own dilemmas.

Part 2: “Pay Attention to Your Narratives”

Few of us ever stop to question the narratives we’ve inherited—Men are all… Women are always… People like that should never... Doing so might be uncomfortable, but you won’t believe what’s at stake if you’re brave enough to dismantle the possibly comfortable but definitely destructive stories you’re telling yourself.

Part 3: “Listen”

When we see someone else self-destruct, we think to ourselves, I would never do that. But truth be told, we’re all capable of ending up where we never thought we’d be. How do we avoid that fate? The secret is simple…but not always easy.


Hidden: For Men


How to Get What You Really Want